Creativity Carnival: The Bell

My Dear Super-awesome Fellow Bloggers,

Thanks so much for participating in the first Creativity Carnival – The Pocket Watch. I don’t know if it was a smashing hit by general standards, but by mine, it definitely was 🙂 I loved all your creative gems – they were super-awesome.

Creativity Carnival - Blogging event for WordPress bloggers.

Here’s this week’s cue-art 🙂 Saying anything more would be wrong, so I’ll refrain from it. Instead, I’ll talk about last week’s cue-art, The Pocket-Watch, but after I’ve introduced this week’s cue-art, The Bell.

Creativity Carnival for bloggers - cue-art - the bell - Write a story or a poem, or draw/paint a picture.


The Rules are super-simple 🙂

    1. Your cue is the artwork above.
    2. You have a week to get creative and make a post that connects with the cue.
    3. You are welcome to do anything creative with the cue. Here is a list of possibilities:
      • Write a Story (tiny/short/long…whichever works for you. A tip: Shorter Stories, more reads.)
      • Share an Anecdote
      • Write a Poem
      • Draw a doodle
      • Paint a picture
      • Some other creative craft that I can’t think of – but it must explore and even extend the portrayal in the artwork.
    4. Include the cue-art in your post.
    5. Link back to this Creativity Carnival Post and then click on it so that a pingback is registered and other bloggers (including this caricaturist) can visit your post, like it, love it, and comment upon it 🙂

For more details (mostly superfluous) please visit the Creativity Carnival page here.

The other suggestion of tagging our posts “creativity carnival” did well with the previous carnival 🙂 If we tagged our posts “creativity carnival” we could follow this tag in our Reader too. I’ve already tagged this post and will be tagging all my weekly carnival posts with “creativity carnival” tag. So if you start following the tag, you’ll find the newest carnivals in your Reader.

I will look forward to visiting your blogs 🙂

How the Pocket Watch happened?

I had drawn that pocket-watch because the concept of time intrigues me. I often wonder who must’ve first thought of it and how difficult it may have been for humans to have reached at an understanding of life as a finite span of time. For me, the broken glass was life interrupted; the time in the watch was the opposite of a smile (10:10 vs. 3:40.)


29 comments on “Creativity Carnival: The Bell

  1. Pingback: Creativity Carnival: The Gun | Shafali's Caricatures, Portraits, and Cartoons

  2. Pingback: Imagining a visual form for the sound of a bell | Fishing 4 Soup

  3. Pingback: Olga and the Bell (quick outline) | The Wishing Well

  4. Pingback: Creativity Carnival: The Mystery Chest | Shafali's Caricatures, Portraits, and Cartoons

  5. Pingback: Moments Before the Storm | aidyl93

    • Thank Lydia. It’s a beautiful story. It kept me wondering till the end. I’ve gotten terribly busy…and trying to catch up in moments snatched from days overflowing with unexpected chores that must be done or else…


  6. Pingback: For Whom The Bell Tolls | honestme363

  7. Pingback: Ringing Bells | An Artist at Heart

  8. Pingback: A short story – “The bell for justice”. | Living Better

    • What a beautiful and touching story. That would be the world of my dreams, where even an animal could find justice…and where anyone who is cruel to animals is brought to justice. Thanks so much for writing and sharing it.


  9. Pingback: God comes to see without ringing the bell - Self Therapy

  10. Hope it was OK to reblog this to my new test blog ‘logladdylady’ – it’s a transitional blog combining posts from original two blogs I started trying different theme and mixing my content better. Struggling with visual identity and branding and widget-workload but this new theme has lots built in already to work straight from box. Sincere apologies if importing old blogs to new site generates repeat pingbacks. Another fab prompt, another fun Carnival 🙂 super
    Have a great weekend all 🙂


    • Sure. A bell is a symbol of a lot of things, it evokes different emotions and different memories in different people 🙂 Do what you want with the cue, let it take you where you want to go 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I’m not certain I have done things correctly in order to get this post ‘pinged back’. I missed something, rather some things, in blogging 101 so may not have this correct. Let me know what else I need to do in order to get this to you in the correct format.


    • Don’t worry…there’s no rush 🙂 about ping backs…a ping back happens automatically when you create a link and then go to your own published post and click the link 🙂 if you want help on creating links, I’ll be happy to send you a few screenshots that can help.


Leave your footprints behind :)