Writers of the Future Contest – Honorable Mention.

Here’s the story of the story that I wrote for the Writers of the Future Contest, and which won me this cute blue badge 🙂

Writers of the Future - Honorable Mention badge for my science fiction short story.

It all began in mid-September with David Farland’s newsletter, in which he mentioned that the deadline for sending the fourth quarter entries for Writers of the Future contest was September 30th. Like all serious readers of his newsletter, I considered the date seriously, and noted it on my whiteboard. Then I checked out the site and realized that the contest invited entries only in Science Fiction and Fantasy genres, which meant that the stuff that I had been writing until then, which included modern-day mysteries, thrillers, or even inspirational stories involving non-fantastical real world beings such as cats, dogs, even birds; wasn’t welcome.

This limited the scope somewhat. My connection with fantasy genre is limited to a casual reading of Tolkien’s LOR and an artist’s peek into my wonderful client Barbara G. Tarn’s books. That left me pondering if science fiction was something I could play with. I enjoy watching science fiction movies and I am Michael Crichton fan. My regular readers know that I own a rickety time-machine that has developed a habit of running out of fuel in odd places and times. Oh, and I am an engineer by education. All this made me decide upon science-fiction as the genre for my contest-entry.

And so I wrote a story and uploaded it for the contest. Right after the bird had flown, I began to see the cracks in my story. My descriptions of smells, sounds, even the characters were either non-existent or minimal;  stuff that I had just skipped over suddenly started looking important, the climax of the story came too late, the resolution could’ve been stronger…the list went on and on – the only thing that actually made sense still, was the story, and a wow that it had garnered from its only reader, my rougher and saner other-half. After berating myself for being in such a tearing hurry all the time, I shook my head, got rid of those nagging thoughts, forgot about the story I had sent, and got back to work.

In the first week of December, I received a surprise email from Ms. Joni Labaqui of Galaxy Press telling me that I had won an Honorable Mention for my story. The badge arrived this morning and I just had to share it 🙂

So there you go. That was my story of the story that I wrote for the Writers of the Future contest.

Now I must get back to the drawing tablet 🙂 I will share some of my new creations with you very soon.


13 comments on “Writers of the Future Contest – Honorable Mention.

  1. Pingback: Aspiring Writers! Looking for the ‘W’ Factor? Let David Farland help you find it :) | Shafali's Caricatures, Portraits, and Cartoons

  2. Pingback: Read some, draw some, write some, but blog none? Ho hum! | Shafali's Caricatures, Portraits, and Cartoons

    • No prize, Mr. Venkatchary, just an honor 🙂 but I am strutting around because it’s the Writers of the Future contest…and also because I got it for my science fiction entry. It’s set in a world of robots 🙂 and thanks so much for your kind words. They mean a lot.


  3. Ever heard of Heinlein’s rules? Or read Dean Wesley Smith’s story of how he was stuck into the rewriting mith and sold immediately the first story he mailed as soon as he finished? 😉
    Now slap a cover on that story, upload the manuscript wherever you want and let us read it for 99cents or more (I don’t know how long it is)! 😀
    And happy end of the year!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well done! Sci-Fi, just like that. You go, girl.
    And isn’t it odd that when a story’s on its way to unknown readers we suddenly start looking at it from an entirely different perspective? That’s a really common experience. Of course, one of the beauties of blogging is that we can make changes after we’ve clicked Publish. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. You are right. The story was perfect until I uploaded it 🙂 Blogging is more forgiving…and especially for typo-experts who just aren’t happy writing without embellishing their writing extra commas and missing verbs!

      Liked by 1 person

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