He exists…

The man with chocolate brown irises, bushy dirty-brown hair, and a chipped tooth exists.

I know, I know…color doesn’t matter; the chipped tooth shouldn’t be mentioned, and speaking of the dirt in the man’s hair would probably classify me as a filth-phobe – and yet, I couldn’t resist sketching him.

Have you seen this man somewhere?

Caricature of a happy but dirty looking man with one eye covered.


Do let me know if you’d like to order a life-size poster of the above gentleman.


Caricature Portrait – Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

A couple of days ago, I sketched this caricature portrait of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House Press Secretary to President Donald Trump.

Caricature Portrait - Sarah Huckabee Sanders - Daughter of Mike Huckabee - Press Secretary White House for President Donald Trump

This is a quick ballpoint pen sketch (I was driven to tint it a bit after scanning,) which happened between two bouts of writing madness.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the daughter of Mike Huckabee, who had also run for President in the last elections. I had done a full-page illustration of Hillary Clinton and Mike Huckabee for the Talk Business & Politics magazine (one that I like a lot,) and you can view it here 🙂

Some Brain-on-Vacation Doodling…

As a rule, I don’t publish my doodles. They should be found no place other than my to-be-shredded-in-the-future tray, and all the new ones should follow their brethren to the gallows. They aren’t pretty and they aren’t happy – and when has the world been kind to the ugly and the unhappy?

And yet, I couldn’t bring myself to throw this one away, because it tells a story in which I once played a part.

I’ll let you read the story in these overlapping, untidy lines.

Happy Unhappy Sad Curious Anxious Expressions Doodle - A Pen and Ink Drawing by Shafali