How to Draw the Caricature of Tiger Woods, his Women, his Cup, Nike, and the Devil!

Wondering how to draw the caricature of Tiger Woods? Let me share with you the process of drawing it. Here’s the caricature once again (to help you put your memory into Nike’s jogging shoes!)

Caricature of Tiger Woods - with women, Nike, and Satan.

Who wouldn't?

As you must’ve already figured out, this caricature is about Tiger Woods tumbling wherever with those nineteen or so women. The story is now old, and Mr. Woods is now back in action. Nike stayed with him through these rough times, more for their sake than his, or so I think – because Woods is the Nike icon for the testosterone-driven men who’d idolize the new macho image of Woods far more than his boring, all too predictable, one-woman-man image!

But put all that aside for now. We are right now the students of art – and we want to discuss how this caricature came to be.

Caricaturing Tiger Woods:

Other than the Nike logo on his cap and t-shirt, Tiger Woods can also be recognized by his huge round eyes, his thick lips, and his pearly whites! He’s got a shy half-smile and a nice round nose, which makes his face look rather boyish. Note that his upper eyelids are slightly heavy and they hide the top third of his pupils. You can read about caricaturing the eyes, here.

Caricaturing the Smile:

For this caricature, I selected his smile as his most important feature. As you can see, his lips and his teeth have been exaggerated the most. I focused on the smile because of the context. Think about it. If you were a man (or if you are one,) and if you were offered a cup full of buxom beauties, how would you react?
(You are welcome to add your above-the-waist reactions to the comments.)

Well, I imagined that Tiger Woods’ reaction would be a shy smile.

Caricaturing the Women:

Ah, the women! Remember that women aren’t easy to caricature. You need to ensure that the women in your caricature don’t look ugly. Every woman is beautiful. Period. So at best, you can make them look like the Disney Princesses, and at worst you may want them to look cute like the pixies. So in this caricature, I made the cute little pixies climb over one another, clamoring for Tiger’s attention.

Caricaturing the Devil:

This is the part that I liked best!

This particular devil is a modern guy. It personifies the evils that exist in the modern world, specifically the evils that influence sportsmen like Tiger Woods – otherwise known as advertising! This devil wears his cap backwards, sports an untidy stubble, and wears a tee-shirt with slacks. He carried the Nike logo as his weapon, and incites the tiger in Tiger Woods to indulge in adultery – one of the seven deadly sins!

The Story in the Caricature:

The story in the caricature is told by the Devil. When he whispers to Tiger Woods, and tells him to, “Just Do It,” it makes you wonder how many men in Tiger Woods’ position would be able to resist the temptation!

So that’s that about the Caricature of Mr. Woods and his longtime relationship with Nike and the Devil.

If you want to learn the nuances of creating caricatures in a fun and easy to learn way, you would like to read, “How to Draw Caricatures – The Evolution of a Caricaturist.

Download the calendar “Tiger Woods as the Casanova” here.

7 comments on “How to Draw the Caricature of Tiger Woods, his Women, his Cup, Nike, and the Devil!

  1. Wonderful insights into the process, Shafali. I’m almost tempted to pick up a pencil myself. And I agree about Nike’s motivation. I doubt very much they have ever made a decision based on any principle other than the bottom line.

    All the best,



    • Dear Mr. Mills,

      I hope you did pick up the pencil. If you could just sketch Doris for all of us! The scene at the mole-assessment center, if you please.

      About Nike…
      I don’t know – are they really supposed to think of anything except the bottom-line? Theirs or their shoes’? The Devil however is a different matter – I guess he keeps changing jobs…now with Nike, next with Adidas, then with Reebok – and why just the apparel-brands? The devil’s everywhere – poking that pointed tail of his in our eyes…OUCH!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting:-)
      Best Regards,


  2. You may be interested to know that in France the Nike slogan is Fais la diff’ which means Make the difference..
    Poor old Tiger. He believed in his own legend and flew too close to the sun and his wings got singed….
    great picture again!


    • Hi Viv,

      Thanks for the translation. Tiger made a difference…he proved that he was French enough to pull it off:-)

      Warm Regards,


  3. Pingback: How to Draw the Caricature of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow « Shafali's Caricatures

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