Winners of the Storytelling Contest – April 2010.

The Winners are:

Vivienne Tuffnell (of the “Strangers & Pilgrims” fame.) (The Story)
Dewey Dewster (The K9 Journalist from Petsburg, Pawsylvania.) (The Story)
Lua Fowles (The personification of enthusiasm.) (The Story)

If you are wondering what this is all about – last week I had announced a storytelling contest around the following caricature.

Caricature, Cartoon, or image of a man with beaded beard and piercings, scolding a mouse carrying a rifle or a gun.

What's the Story?

I should tell you that storytelling of this kind is a different ballgame altogether. You need to knead your creativity and then shape it into a story that fits the given mold. It isn’t an easy task. In fact, storytelling of this kind can make veteran storytellers lose their nerve.

So when these three courageous authors decided to take the challenge – I was pleasantly surprised:)

I am proud to present the following three story writers, their stories, and their blogs to you:)

Author: Vivienne Tuffnell

Blog: Zen & The Art of Tightrope Walking

Vivienne is a writer, who has recently published her book, “Strangers & Pilgrims“. I believe that this book has the ability to mend broken hearts. (Read my review of the book here and read her Interview here.) If you haven’t read it the book yet, read it:) It’s there on my sidebar. I am happy that Vivienne wrote this beautiful story – it strengthened my belief that one day she’s going to dazzle the world. Thanks Viv.

Author: Dewey Dewster

Blog: Love those Wires (of course, we love those wires:-))

Dewey is a K9 Journalist who works from Petsburg, Pawsylvania in the summers, and from Furry Florida in the winters. He lives with his Gram, Gramp, Mom, and Toby. Gram n Gramp are of the human variety while Mom n Toby are two beautiful WFTs. Dewey doesn’t like rats…so if I had a hat to doff, I’d doff it to his strength of character, which prevented him from snatching Mr. Mouse off the caricature and gobbling him up! Thanks Dewey.

Author: Lua Fowles

Blog: Like a Bowl of Oranges

Lua and her blog, both are “like a bowl of oranges” – they’ve got thoughts that are fresh and that smell so nice. Lua is a young woman with a very strong feel of life. She has the ability to see stories in the most mundane things around – and then she also has to the capability to tell those stories. Lua’s creativity isn’t restricted to her stories, even her blog-posts make you think. Thanks Lua.
I would like to thank these three authors for their courage and interest in the contest. I would also like to thank all those visitors who clicked their links to read the stories:)

Warm Regards,

PS: Next I plan to post Poirot’s caricature:)